Jess' Journey to find self love


Read all about Jess’ experience and how she has transformed the way she feels about herself, finding new confidence to love herself again.

Jess’ story is real and vulnerable, sharing her struggles with us in the hopes to inspire other women on their own journeys of healing and self-discovery.

I have been having a tough time medically, I have gone through many surgeries, the most recent being an ectopic pregnancy that almost claimed my life.

My body had changed so much and been through so much.

 I felt so unattractive and at the time only being married for not even 2 years, I had the biggest fear of being ashamed of how I looked for my husband. I was feeling unattractive, and I was feeling like I was losing myself more and more each day. I have never found myself beautiful or confident, I was afraid that I would never be proud of looking at myself.

“The main reason for this photoshoot was I realized I wanted to do something for myself, I needed to step outside of my comfort zone.”

The photoshoot was such an emotional roller coaster. It took a little while to step out of my comfort zone. I was very nervous. I felt at times that I was not worthy to be in front of a camera.

But as time went on, I started to feel like a woman again, I started to feel some empowerment and I was proud of myself for following through with the experience.

 I owe everything to Adriana. This lady is amazing, and I couldn’t have done it without her.  I still have my challenges, but this experience has impacted the way I see myself.

When I saw the images for the first time, I cried! I can’t even explain. For a minute I had to stop and realise I was looking at myself and not someone else.

 “For the first time, I felt beautiful looking at an image of myself.”

I am honoured to have these photos; they mean so much to me. It is a reminder of what I have gone through and what I have survived. I can’t wait to have the photos on my wall to remind me that even on bad days, I am a strong beautiful woman.

What would you say to woman in the same position to you and not sure if they should have their own experience?:

“We are our own biggest critics. Allow and trust someone to show the world how beautiful you are. I am forever grateful to Adriana. No words will ever be enough. “


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