Top Glamour Photographers Perth - Adriana Catalano


Glamour photography in Perth is not just about taking beautiful feminine photographs but even more about taking a woman through a transformational experience to change the way she feels about herself by changing the way she sees herself. Adriana Catalano is a master of understanding how to guide a woman through this experience resulting in a powerful internal change.

We had a moment with Adriana to ask her a few questions about how she ended up photographing glamour portraits as a profession. Questions below…

Adriana Catalano - Zest Photographer

Adriana Catalano - Zest Photographer

1. When did you first become interested in photography and glamour photography?

I remember my first introduction to photography came in high school when I was in year 9 when one of my elected subjects was photography/media studies. I was always a creative child, drama and the arts was always a big part of my schooling. When I first saw the dark room I was hooked. The idea of creating something from just my imagination I was intrigued. It opened up such a creative space for me at that age, a distant memory as we were still developing film when I first started out.

Around the same time I was a bridesmaid at my sisters wedding and the charismatic photographer blew my mind how confident and charming he was and how creative and fun he made the photos for her wedding. I knew one day I would become a portrait/wedding photographer and almost 25 yrs later I am proud to say I am just that… still freezing time for my beautiful clients, giving confidence to the ladies that come through the door and showing them how beautiful they are. It is magic.

2. What do you love about photographing a woman?

There has been a movement of self love and discovery with women recently and it has been bubbling up since the 70’s however in the last 10 years it’s really taken shape.

Women have become aware not only of themselves but the perception of beauty that has been pushed on us by media and marketing agencies for years.

My focus as a glamour photographer with our team here at the studio is to change that perception for women. I love photographing woman because it gives me a creative platform and outlet to change the way women see themselves. It hurts me so deeply knowing that so many women, no matter the age or size, do not like themselves.

For me, photographing as many women as I can in my lifetime and showing them their beauty is a gift I have to offer.


3. Where do you get your inspiration and ideas from?

A lot of my inspiration comes from the beautiful photographers around me. I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing photographers in my career such as Jessica Truscott who has been a constant source of inspiration and she challenges me to create beautiful artistic photographs.

My clients also are constant sources of inspiration each of them unique in their own ways. I get inspired by hearing their stories and learning about what makes them tick. Finding their spark keeps my inspired and gives me the push I need to create unique pieces just for them.

Photography on the web is also another great source of inspiration. Pinterest is a good source to search when I’m feeling a little flat and want something else to add to my portfolio.


 4. What do you do during a shoot to help women feel comfortable and help with nerves?

It can be so difficult to allow yourself to be present in a moment especially when you are already feeling unsure of yourself.

I always let my clients know that really deep down I am just a bit of a twit. I still don’t know my left to right which can be a little confusing during my shoots 😂.

I make jokes and have lots of laughs and I find this is something that does help with my clients nerves.

Generally they don’t have time to feel self conscious as they are mostly laughing at my antics. I also offer guidance in how to stand and pose and where to look, little tips to make my clients feel as ease. Lots of compliments when I know I have an amazing photo to show them.

I’ve learnt not to take life too seriously and this tends to help in my glamour photo shoots.


5. What else are you passionate about and enjoy spending your time doing?

I have found my passion truly lies in helping women find themselves again or healing themselves through my photography. I love being part of the Zest family as it is filled with so many talented people and being an amazing role model for them and helping them in their growth is a passion of mine also.

My daughter and family will always be a constant source of inspiration in my life. Everything I do is to teach her how to be a good human and I get lessons along the way too. Our favourite thing to do is cuddle up on the couch and watch cartoons where I get to watch her passion for anime and cosplay grow and it makes me so proud how creative she is in her own right. I love to go out for quiet drinks with the girls and see myself as a bit of a foodie being I just love all types of food.

I have an absolute obsession with RuPauls Drag race and have watched every season and episode. I just want to be my most authentic self. I am now at that age where love and accepting myself is so important and it’s a lesson I want to help everyone to find.

 6. What has your biggest achievement been during your career as a photographer?

I am very proud to say that I have received photography awards and accolades in my career. I was runner up for Australian Institute of Professional Photographers WA Family Photographer of the Year in 2019 and so proud that the woman that won was our very own Jessica Truscott.

I have also received a number of silver and silver distinctions at national level as well. This year I am entering again with the drive to win gold!

This year, I won the prestigious Swan Chamber of Commerce Employee of the Year 2021. This was an achievement that I could never even have imagined I would receive in my lifetime. To be acknowledged for the effort and hard work I have put in is unbelievable.

You may read this and think this is a little mushy but I also believe every hug I receive from my clients as they leave the studio is a massive achievement. I am a hugger but not all people are and when you have managed to change someone’s perspective on themselves and they give you that big squeeze as a thank you that’s such a massive achievement for me.

Jessica (Self-Portrait) - Silver Award

 7.  What are your favourite poses to use in a glamour shoot?

As well as glamour and boudoir, I really enjoy photographing nudes. I don’t really have favourite poses as when I shoot I am looking for what makes my client look amazing and sometimes a pose is good for some but not others.

As well as the pose, I focus on the lines and how the light will accentuate the form of a woman’s body. I love working with women’s different lines, curves and shape to create works of art.


8. What would your number one tip be for a woman who is preparing for her glamour shoot?

Leave your negative self talk at the door!

The scariest part of a glamour photo shoot is walking through the front door, the rest is easy.

Don’t doubt yourself as this is the place to find that new source of confidence. You have a whole team backing you and I promise you, it is worth every moment - to see yourself as others see you.

I know it can be hard to be in front of a camera and give up control but it’s what is needed to push yourself and take yourself to a place of growth, self acceptance and love.

Trust us as we are on your side and you are allowed to show your whole self through this experience.

ps. I suggest to stretch before coming to your shoot, some of the poses I will put you in are challenging.. I call it photography yoga 😂


9.  What props/ accessories and other pieces can be good to bring along for a glamour shoot?

I personally love anything to do with ropes but that’s my thing.

I suggest bringing anything along which shows your interests and passions and things you want to see in the photos. It’s sometimes confronting for women to think about who they are or who they want to be…so bringing along props can help tell that story.


 10. What would your dream glamour shoot involve?

My dream boudoir shoot and one I eventually want to do to enter into the State awards is a Shibari style intricate suspension piece.

A nude model suspended by an intricate pattern of ropes.

It’s a beautiful art form showing balance in my eyes where you must be in control to allow yourself to be out of control. Here is an example of work I’ve seen that inspires me.


11. What is the most unique shoot you’ve ever done with someone?

I had a photo shoot with a beautiful lady who came in for a fantasy photography experience with me at the studio.

Looking for a connection with her daughter, they had been through a heartbreaking experience with the death of her husband. He loved dragons and this was something that her daughter and her remembered fondly of him - it was a connection to him.

So, we transformed her into her very own version of a Dragon Queen which was so beautiful. She had brought in things from her wedding that reminded her of him including a masks and silks which I draped her in and created this grand vision.

It was glorious for her and her daughter to experience this together and the photos were amazing.

Forever a memory I will have and one of the more unique shoots at the studio.


12. How do you know what angles and poses are best to show off a woman and make her look great?

I mostly move my client around as much as I can in the beginning of the shoot to elicit different expressions and different movements in her body.

I’m looking at her even before the shutter is released to see her most flattering sides, expressions and also to see her spark and what brings out that sparkle in her eyes.

Once I have found her best, it’s simply repeating it in all of the beautiful poses she is in during the shoot and making her feel comfortable and beautiful also helps to keep her outside of her head and focused on her external beauty.


13. How do you keep things creative and unique in each shoot you do?

I believe every shoot I do is creative and unique because of the story behind the client or the reason for the shoot.

The creativity comes from my interaction with my clients and finding out what makes them special and how I can help to bring this out in them.

That’s why every glamour shoot I do is different and unique because of my clients.


14.  What would you say to someone who feels unsure or not ready to have their own photography experience?

I would say “what do you have to lose” you may already feel unhappy or have lost belief in yourself.

If there was anything that could change that for you wouldn’t you give it a try.

Some women have made the choice to not accept themselves, some have had it pounded into there psyche through abuse and past experiences.

I want to let you know that the only way you will be ready for this is by making a conscious decision to be ready for this and accept yourself.

Change can be scary and uncomfortable but it is in that discomfort that you can truly grow.

Don’t run away from this as you really do deserve to feel beautiful and confident to see yourself as you truly are and not through the negative self talk you are hearing.

Honestly ask yourself… “What do I have to lose by doing this?” or a better question is … “what do I have to gain?”



“What do I have to lose by doing this?” or a better question is … “what do I have to gain?”

If you are interested in booking a Zest Photography family, couple, modern glamour, boudoir or nude portrait photography experience, call 0862453150 or email us at